Represents the response of the Get Contract By Id endpoint


The :var | dynamic validator for this type.


  • ContractDetails


block?: BlockHeader
contractId: ContractId
currentContract?: Contract
initialContract: Contract
metadata: Metadata
roleTokenMintingPolicyId: Branded<string, PolicyIdBrand>
state?: MarloweState
status: "unsigned" | "submitted" | "confirmed"
tags: Tags
txBody?: TextEnvelope
unclaimedPayouts: {
    payoutId: TxOutRef;
    role: string;

Type declaration

  • payoutId: TxOutRef

    A reference to the payout script that contains the assets to be withdrawn.

  • role: string

    The Role Name of the participant that has the unclaimed Payout.

utxo?: TxOutRef
version: "v1"