This module allows to bundle different ObjectTypes in a sorted list. To create a valid bundle, an Object needs to be defined before making a reference to it.
You can use bundleListToMap to convert to ContractBundleMap while checking for the integrity of the bundle.
import { ContractBundleList, close, lovelace } from ""type MyContractAnnotation = "AnnotationA" | "AnnotationB" | "AnnotationC";const example: ContractBundleList<MyContractAnnotation> = { main: "main", bundle: [ { label: "partyA", type: "party", value: { role_token: "partyA" } }, { label: "partyADeposits", type: "action", value: { party: { ref: "partyA" }, deposits: 1000000n, of_token: lovelace, into_account: { ref: "partyA" }, }, }, { label: "main", type: "contract", value: { annotation: "AnnotationA", when: [{ case: { ref: "partyADeposits" }, then: close("AnnotationB") }], timeout: 10000n, timeout_continuation: close("AnnotationC"), }, }, ],}; Copy
import { ContractBundleList, close, lovelace } from ""type MyContractAnnotation = "AnnotationA" | "AnnotationB" | "AnnotationC";const example: ContractBundleList<MyContractAnnotation> = { main: "main", bundle: [ { label: "partyA", type: "party", value: { role_token: "partyA" } }, { label: "partyADeposits", type: "action", value: { party: { ref: "partyA" }, deposits: 1000000n, of_token: lovelace, into_account: { ref: "partyA" }, }, }, { label: "main", type: "contract", value: { annotation: "AnnotationA", when: [{ case: { ref: "partyADeposits" }, then: close("AnnotationB") }], timeout: 10000n, timeout_continuation: close("AnnotationC"), }, }, ],};
This module allows to bundle different ObjectTypes in a sorted list. To create a valid bundle, an Object needs to be defined before making a reference to it.
You can use bundleListToMap to convert to ContractBundleMap while checking for the integrity of the bundle.