This module allows to bundle different ObjectTypes in a JavaScript object. To create a valid bundle, all references must be defined and there should not be any cyclic dependencies.
You can use bundleMapToList to convert to ContractBundleList while checking for the integrity of the bundle.
import { ContractBundleMap, close, lovelace } from ""type MyContractAnnotation = "AnnotationA" | "AnnotationB" | "AnnotationC";const example: ContractBundleMap<MyContractAnnotation> = { main: "mainContract", objects: { partyA: { type: "party", value: { role_token: "partyA" }, }, partyADeposits: { type: "action", value: { party: { ref: "partyA" }, deposits: 1000000n, of_token: lovelace, into_account: { ref: "partyA" }, }, }, mainContract: { type: "contract", value: { annotation: "AnnotationA", when: [{ case: { ref: "partyADeposits" }, then: close("AnnotationB") }], timeout: 10000n, timeout_continuation: close("AnnotationC"), }, }, },}; Copy
import { ContractBundleMap, close, lovelace } from ""type MyContractAnnotation = "AnnotationA" | "AnnotationB" | "AnnotationC";const example: ContractBundleMap<MyContractAnnotation> = { main: "mainContract", objects: { partyA: { type: "party", value: { role_token: "partyA" }, }, partyADeposits: { type: "action", value: { party: { ref: "partyA" }, deposits: 1000000n, of_token: lovelace, into_account: { ref: "partyA" }, }, }, mainContract: { type: "contract", value: { annotation: "AnnotationA", when: [{ case: { ref: "partyADeposits" }, then: close("AnnotationB") }], timeout: 10000n, timeout_continuation: close("AnnotationC"), }, }, },};
This module allows to bundle different ObjectTypes in a JavaScript object. To create a valid bundle, all references must be defined and there should not be any cyclic dependencies.
You can use bundleMapToList to convert to ContractBundleList while checking for the integrity of the bundle.