Global state of the entire system.

The global state consists of a local state for each honest node.
StateMap : Type
StateMap = HonestVec LocalState
Other than that, it records the current epoch, in-flight messages, and the whole history of previous messages.
record GlobalState : Type where
  constructor mkGlobalState
    e-now         : Epoch          -- The current epoch.
    stateMap      : StateMap       -- A map assigning each PID its local state.
    networkBuffer : List Envelope  -- Messages in transit on the network.
    history       : List Message   -- All messages seen so far.
The initial global state starts at epoch 1 with no messages and initial local states.
initStateMap : StateMap
initStateMap = V.replicate _ initLocalState

initGlobalState : GlobalState
initGlobalState = mkGlobalState 1 initStateMap [] []
_@_ : GlobalState   p  _ : Honest p   LocalState
s  p = pLookup (s .stateMap) (p  it)