Transitions between local states of a single node.

Some auxililary functions

proposeBlock : LocalState  Message  LocalState
proposeBlock ls m = record ls
  { phase = Voted
  ; db    = m  ls .db

voteBlock : (ls : LocalState)  AnyFirst (m ≡_) (ls .inbox)  Message  LocalState
voteBlock {m} ls m∈ vote = record ls
  { db    = vote  m  ls .db
  ; phase = Voted
  ; inbox = (ls .inbox) L.Any.─ (AnyFirst⇒Any m∈)

registerVote : (ls : LocalState)  m  ls .inbox  LocalState
registerVote {m} ls m∈ = record ls
  { db    = m  ls .db
  ; inbox = (ls .inbox) L.Any.─ m∈

finalize : Chain  Op₁ LocalState
finalize ch ls = record ls
  { final = ch}

The local step relation

Given a local state a step may produce a message. (The local step relation could be made deterministic, by stating that a node should propose or vote before it starts to process votes.)

data _▷_⊢_—[_]→_
  (p : Pid) (e : Epoch) (ls : LocalState) : Maybe Message  LocalState  Type where

  -- Leader proposes a new block.
  ProposeBlock :
      L = epochLeader e
      h = ch 
      b =  h , e , txs 
      m = Propose $ signBlock p b
     ls .phase  Ready
     p  L
     ch longest-notarized-chain-∈ ls .db
     ValidChain (b  ch)
      p  e  ls —[ just m ]→ proposeBlock ls m

  -- Upon getting the first valid proposal a node votes for it.
  VoteBlock :
      L  = epochLeader e
      b  =  H , e , txs 
      sᴾ = signBlock L b
      mᵖ = Propose sᴾ
      m  = Vote    $ signBlock p b
     (m∈ : AnyFirst (mᵖ ≡_) (ls .inbox)) 
     sᴾ  map _∙signedBlock (ls .db) -- an alternative is to change voteBlock, accept the proposal but erase the existing vote.
     ls .phase  Ready
     p  L
     ch longest-notarized-chain-∈ ls .db
     ValidChain (b  ch)
      p  e  ls —[ just m ]→ voteBlock ls m∈ m

  -- NB: could a node get a proposal for a future epoch?

  -- Whenever other nodes vote, register their vote.
  RegisterVote : let m = Vote sb in
    -- TODO: discard dishonest votes
     (m∈ : m  ls .inbox) 
     sb  map _∙signedBlock (ls .db)
           -- don't count a vote twice
           -- even if one is Propose sb and the other is Vote sb
      p  e  ls —[ nothing ]→ registerVote ls m∈

  -- Node finalizes a block (in their view).
  FinalizeBlock :  ch b 
     ValidChain (b  ch)
     FinalizedChain (ls .db) ch b
      p  e  ls —[ nothing ]→ finalize ch ls
When the epoch advances, reset all phases to Ready:
epochChange : Op₁ LocalState
epochChange ls = record ls
  { phase = Ready }
A node can also receive messages at their inbox:
receiveMessage : Message  Op₁ LocalState
receiveMessage m ls = record ls
  { inbox = ls .inbox L.∷ʳ m }


We consider traces of the (local) step relation, defined as its reflexive-transitive closure:

private module ∣LOCAL∣ (p : Pid) where

  StateProperty = LocalState  Type

  _—→_ : Rel LocalState _
  ls —→ ls′ =  λ e   λ mm  p  e  ls —[ mm ]→ ls′

  open import Prelude.Closures _—→_ public

  -- step incorporating global changes as well (currently unused)
  data _—→⁺_ : Rel LocalState 0ℓ where
    LocalStep      : ls —→ ls′  ls —→⁺ ls′
    EpochChange    : ls —→⁺ epochChange ls
    ReceiveMessage : ls —→⁺ receiveMessage m ls

open ∣LOCAL∣ public using () renaming
  ( _—→_ to _▷_—→_; _—↠_ to _▷_—↠_; _—→⁺_ to _▷_—→⁺_
  ; Reachable to LocalReachable; Invariant to LocalInvariant
  ; StateProperty to LocalStateProperty