Invariants related to
the global history.
HistorySound : StateProperty
HistorySound s = ∀ {p m} ⦃ _ : Honest p ⦄ →
∙ m ∈ s .history
∙ p ≡ m ∙pid
m ∈ (s @ p) .db
historySound : Invariant HistorySound
historySound = Step⇒Invariant (λ where refl ()) historySound→
historySound→ : StepPreserved HistorySound
historySound→ {s}{s′} s→
IH₀ {p}{m} ⦃ hp ⦄ m∈ p≡
with IH ← (λ (m∈ : m ∈ s .history) → IH₀ m∈ p≡)
with s→
... | Deliver {env = [ p′ ∣ m′ ⟩} env∈
rewrite let open ∣Deliver∣ p s env∈ in db≡
= IH m∈
... | AdvanceEpoch
rewrite let open ∣AdvanceEpoch∣ p s in lookup✓
= IH m∈
... | Drop _
= IH m∈
... | LocalStep {p = p′}{mm}{ls′} ls→
open ∣LocalStep∣ p p′ s mm ls′
QED : m ∈ (s′ @ p) .db
with ⟫ ls→
QED | ⟫ ProposeBlock {ch = ch} {txs = txs} _ refl _ _
with ⟫ m∈
... | ⟫ here refl rewrite p≡ | lookup✓ = here refl
... | ⟫ there m∈
with ih ← IH m∈
with p ≟ p′
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓ = there ih
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢ = ih
QED | ⟫ VoteBlock {H = H} {txs = txs} M∈ _ _ _ _ _
with ⟫ m∈
... | ⟫ here refl rewrite p≡ | lookup✓ = here refl
... | ⟫ there m∈
with ih ← IH m∈
with p ≟ p′
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓ = there $′ there ih
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢ = ih
QED | ⟫ RegisterVote {sb = sb} M∈ M∉
with ih ← IH m∈
with p ≟ p′
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓ = there ih
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢ = ih
QED | ⟫ FinalizeBlock ch _ _ _
with ih ← IH m∈
with p ≟ p′
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓ = ih
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢ = ih
... | DishonestLocalStep ¬hp′ h⇒m∈
≪m∈ : m ∈ s .history
≪m∈ with ⟫ m∈
... | ⟫ here refl = h⇒m∈ $ subst Honest p≡ it
... | ⟫ there m∈ = m∈
QED : m ∈ (s′ @ p) .db
QED = IH ≪m∈
NetworkComplete : StateProperty
NetworkComplete s = ∀ {p m} →
[ p ∣ m ⟩ ∈ s .networkBuffer
m ∈ s .history
networkComplete : Invariant NetworkComplete
networkComplete = Step⇒Invariant (λ where refl ()) networkComplete→
networkComplete-broadcast : ∀ s p mm →
NetworkComplete s
NetworkComplete (broadcast p mm s)
networkComplete-broadcast s _ nothing IH = IH
networkComplete-broadcast s p (just m) IH m∈
with L.Mem.∈-++⁻ (s .networkBuffer) m∈
... | inj₁ m∈ = there $ IH m∈
... | inj₂ m∈
with _ , m∈ , refl ← L.Mem.∈-map⁻ [_∣ m ⟩ m∈
with m∈ , _ ← L.Mem.∈-filter⁻ (p ≢?_) {xs = allPids} m∈
= here refl
networkComplete→ : StepPreserved NetworkComplete
networkComplete→ {s} = let H = networkComplete-broadcast s in λ where
(LocalStep (ProposeBlock _ _ _ _)) → H _ (just _)
(LocalStep (VoteBlock _ _ _ _ _ _)) → H _ (just _)
(LocalStep {p = p} (RegisterVote _ _)) → H p nothing
(LocalStep {p = p} (FinalizeBlock _ _ _ _)) → H p nothing
(DishonestLocalStep {m = m} _ _) → networkComplete-broadcast s _ (just m)
(Deliver _) → _∘ ∈-removeAt⁻ _
AdvanceEpoch → id
(Drop _) → _∘ ∈-removeAt⁻ _
InboxCompleteHonest : StateProperty
InboxCompleteHonest s = ∀ {p} ⦃ _ : Honest p ⦄ →
(s @ p) .inbox ⊆ˢ s .history
inboxCompleteHonest : Invariant InboxCompleteHonest
inboxCompleteHonest (_ , refl , (_ ∎)) {p} m∈
rewrite let open ∣Base∣ p in lookup✓
= case m∈ of λ ()
inboxCompleteHonest {s′} (_ , refl , (_ ⟨ s→ ∣ s ⟩←— tr))
{p} {m} m∈
with Rs ← -, refl , tr
with IH ← inboxCompleteHonest Rs ⦃ it ⦄
with s→
... | Deliver {env = [ p′ ∣ m′ ⟩} env∈
open ∣Deliver∣ p s env∈
QED : m ∈ s′ .history
with honest? p′
... | no _ = IH m∈
... | yes hp′
with p ≟ p′
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ ⦃ hp′ ⦄ p≢ = IH m∈
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓ ⦃ it ⦄
with ∈-∷ʳ⁻ m∈
... | inj₁ m∈ = IH m∈
... | inj₂ refl = networkComplete Rs env∈
... | AdvanceEpoch
rewrite let open ∣AdvanceEpoch∣ p s in lookup✓
= IH m∈
... | Drop _
= IH m∈
... | LocalStep {p = p′}{mm}{ls′} ls→
open ∣LocalStep∣ p p′ s mm ls′
QED : m ∈ s′ .history
with ⟫ ls→
QED | ⟫ ProposeBlock {ch = ch} {txs = txs} _ refl _ _
with p ≟ p′
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓ = there $ IH m∈
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢ = there $ IH m∈
QED | ⟫ VoteBlock {H = H} {txs = txs} M∈ _ _ _ _ _
with p ≟ p′
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓ = there $′ IH (∈-removeAt⁻ _ m∈)
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢ = there $′ IH m∈
QED | ⟫ RegisterVote {sb = sb} M∈ M∉
with p ≟ p′
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓ = IH (∈-removeAt⁻ _ m∈)
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢ = IH m∈
QED | ⟫ FinalizeBlock ch _ _ _
with p ≟ p′
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓ = IH m∈
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢ = IH m∈
... | DishonestLocalStep _ _
= there $ IH m∈
HistoryComplete : StateProperty
HistoryComplete s = ∀ {p} ⦃ _ : Honest p ⦄ →
(s @ p) .db ⊆ˢ s .history
historyComplete : Invariant HistoryComplete
historyComplete (_ , refl , (_ ∎)) {p} m∈
rewrite let open ∣Base∣ p in lookup✓
= case m∈ of λ ()
historyComplete {s′} (_ , refl , (_ ⟨ s→ ∣ s ⟩←— tr))
{p} ⦃ hp ⦄ {m} m∈
with Rs ← -, refl , tr
with IH ← historyComplete Rs ⦃ it ⦄
with s→
... | Deliver {env = [ p′ ∣ m′ ⟩} env∈
= IH $ subst (_ ∈_) db≡ m∈
open ∣Deliver∣ p s env∈
... | AdvanceEpoch
rewrite let open ∣AdvanceEpoch∣ p s in lookup✓
= IH m∈
... | Drop _
= IH m∈
... | LocalStep {p = p′}{mm}{ls′} ls→
open ∣LocalStep∣ p p′ s mm ls′
QED : m ∈ s′ .history
QED with ⟫ ls→
QED | ⟫ ProposeBlock {ch = ch} {txs = txs} _ refl _ _
with p ≟ p′
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢ = there $ IH m∈
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓
with ⟫ m∈
... | ⟫ here refl = here refl
... | ⟫ there m∈ = there $ IH m∈
QED | ⟫ VoteBlock {H = H} {txs = txs} M∈ _ _ _ _ _
with p ≟ p′
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢ = there $ IH m∈
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓
with ⟫ m∈
... | ⟫ here refl = here refl
... | ⟫ there (here refl) = there P∈
P∈ : _ ∈ s .history
P∈ = inboxCompleteHonest Rs ⦃ hp ⦄ $ AnyFirst⇒Any M∈
... | ⟫ there (there m∈) = there $ IH m∈
QED | ⟫ RegisterVote {sb = sb} M∈ M∉
with p ≟ p′
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢ = IH m∈
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓
with ⟫ m∈
... | ⟫ here refl = inboxCompleteHonest Rs ⦃ hp ⦄ M∈
... | ⟫ there m∈ = IH m∈
QED | ⟫ FinalizeBlock ch _ _ _
with p ≟ p′
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓ = IH m∈
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢ = IH m∈
... | DishonestLocalStep _ _
= there $ IH m∈