Decidable propositions appearing in the Streamlet protocol

All the logical propositional appearing in the formulation of the Streamlet protocol (c.f. Protocol.Streamlet) are in fact decidable, meaning that we can utilize proof-by-computation to automatically discharge proofs on closed terms. (c.f. Protocol.Streamlet.Test).

Many of these are already decidable, by virtue of the decidability of their building blocks, such as the case of notarization where it is derived from all the following:

  1. Decidability of the basic operations of equality () and inequality ().

  2. Decidability of the basic type formers of and All.

The rest of this file provides manual proofs that this is indeed the case for all other propositions where this is not automatically derived.

  Dec-connects : _-connects-to-_ ⁇²
  Dec-connects .dec with dec | dec
  ... | yes p | yes q = yes (connects∶ p q)
  ... | no ¬p | _     = no λ where (connects∶ p _)  ¬p p
  ... | _     | no ¬q = no λ where (connects∶ _ q)  ¬q q

  Dec-ValidChain : ValidChain ⁇¹
  Dec-ValidChain {ch} .dec with ch in ch≡
  ... | [] = yes []
  ... | b  ch
    with dec | dec
  ... | yes p | yes q = yes (b  p  q)
  ... | no ¬p | _     = no λ where (_  p  _)  ¬p p
  ... | _     | no ¬q = no λ where (_  _  q)  ¬q q

  Dec-chain-∈ : _chain-∈_ ⁇²
  Dec-chain-∈ {[]} {ms} .dec = yes []
  Dec-chain-∈ {b  ch} {ms} .dec
              with ¿ Any ((b ≡_)  _∙block) ms ¿
  ... | no ¬p = no λ where (p  _  _)  ¬p p
  ... | yes p with ¿ ch chain-∈ ms ¿
  ... | no ¬q = no  where (_  q  _)  ¬q q)
  ... | yes q with ¿ b -connects-to- ch ¿
  ... | no ¬w = no  where (_  _  w)  ¬w w)
  ... | yes w = yes (p  q  w)
  NotarizedBlock-dec : NotarizedBlock ⁇²
  NotarizedBlock-dec {ms}{b} .dec with dec
  ... | yes p = yes (record { enoughVotes = p  })
  ... | no ¬p = no λ nb  ¬p (nb .enoughVotes)

_ = Decidable² NotarizedBlock

_ = Decidable² NotarizedChain
_ = Decidable² _notarized-chain-∈_

-- For any block b add it the result with its corresponding chain when the
-- index corresponds b .epoch.
-- We could also generate proof of the validity of the chain.
allValidChainsUpToLength :   List Message  List Chain
allValidChainsUpToLength zero ms = [ [] ]
allValidChainsUpToLength (suc n) ms =
    vs = allValidChainsUpToLength n ms
    -- bs is the list of blocks for the current length
    bs = filter  b  ¿ b .epoch  suc n ¿) ( _∙block ms)

    f : Chain  List Chain
    f ch = bs >>=  b  if  ¿ b -connects-to- ch ¿  then [ b  ch ] else [])
    vs ++ (vs >>= f)

maxEpoch : List Message  Epoch
maxEpoch ms = L.Ex.max 0 ( (epoch  _∙block) ms)

allValidChains : List Message  List Chain
allValidChains ms = allValidChainsUpToLength (maxEpoch ms) ms

chain-∈⇒allValidChainsUpToLength :  (n : ) 
   ch ∙epoch  n
   ch chain-∈ ms
    ch  allValidChainsUpToLength n ms
chain-∈⇒allValidChainsUpToLength zero e≤n []
  = here refl
chain-∈⇒allValidChainsUpToLength zero Nat.z≤n (m∈  ch∈  connects∶ _ ea)
  = ⊥-elim (Nat.n≮0 ea)
chain-∈⇒allValidChainsUpToLength (suc n) e≤n []
  = L.Mem.∈-++⁺ˡ (chain-∈⇒allValidChainsUpToLength n Nat.z≤n [])
chain-∈⇒allValidChainsUpToLength {b  ch} {ms} (suc n) e≤n (m∈  ch∈  x)
  with b .epoch Nat.≤? n
... | yes be≤n
  = L.Mem.∈-++⁺ˡ (chain-∈⇒allValidChainsUpToLength {b  ch} n be≤n (m∈  ch∈  x))
... | no ¬be≤n
  with eqb. epoch  suc n  Nat.≤∧≮⇒≡ e≤n (¬be≤n  Nat.s≤s⁻¹) =
    open Nat
    connects∶ _ ie  = x
    che≤n : (ch ∙epoch)  n
    che≤n = s≤s⁻¹ (≤-trans ie e≤n)

    ch∈all : ch  allValidChainsUpToLength n ms
    ch∈all = chain-∈⇒allValidChainsUpToLength n che≤n ch∈

    vs = allValidChainsUpToLength n ms

    b∈ : b _∙block ms
    b∈ =⁺ m∈

    bs = filter  b  ¿ b .epoch  suc n ¿) ( _∙block ms)

    b∈bs : b  bs
    b∈bs = L.Mem.∈-filter⁺ _ b∈ eq
    L.Mem.∈-++⁺ʳ vs
  $ L.Mem.>>=-∈↔
      ( ch
      , ch∈all
      , L.Mem.>>=-∈↔ (b , (b∈bs , subst  c  _  (if  c  then _ else _))
                                                    (sym (proj₂ (dec-✓ x))) (here refl))))

maxEpoch-correct : ch chain-∈ ms  ch ∙epoch  maxEpoch ms
maxEpoch-correct [] = Nat.z≤n
maxEpoch-correct {b  ch}{ms} (m∈  ch∈  _) =
    b∈ : b  map _∙block ms
    b∈ =⁺ {P = b ≡_} m∈

    es = map (epoch  _∙block) ms

    be∈ : b .epoch  es
    be∈ = subst (_ ∈_) (sym (∘ ms)) (L.Mem.∈-map⁺ epoch b∈)
    L.All.lookup {P = _≤ maxEpoch ms} (L.Ex.xs≤max 0 es) be∈

chain-∈⇒allValidChains : ch chain-∈ ms  ch  allValidChains ms
chain-∈⇒allValidChains {ms = ms} ch∈ =
  chain-∈⇒allValidChainsUpToLength (maxEpoch ms) (maxEpoch-correct ch∈) ch∈

open L.Unique using ([]; _∷_; filter⁺; ++⁺; map⁺)

Unique-allChains : Unique $ allChains ms
Unique-allChains {[]} = [] ∷ []
Unique-allChains {m ∷ ms}
  with IH ← Unique-allChains {ms}
  = ++⁺ IH (map⁺ (λ where refl → refl) IH) λ (p , q) →
    let x , x∈ , x≡ = L.Mem.∈-map⁻ (blockMessage m ∷_) q in ?

Unique-allValidChains : Unique $ allValidChains ms
Unique-allValidChains {ms} =
  L.Unique.filter⁺ (λ ch → ¿ ValidChain ch ¿) (Unique-allChains {ms})

  Dec-longest-notarized-chain-∈ : Longest∈ ⁇²
  Dec-longest-notarized-chain-∈ {ch}{ms} .dec
    with ¿ Any _ (allValidChains ms) ¿
  ... | yes ∃ch′ =
    let ch′ , ch′∈ , ch′≰ = L.Any.satisfied ∃ch′
    in no λ where (mkLongest∈ ∄ch′)  ch′≰ $ ∄ch′ {ch′} ch′∈
  ... | no ¬∃ch′ = yes $ mkLongest∈ λ {ch′} (ch′∈ , p)  case ¿ ch′ ≤ᶜʰ ch ¿ of λ where
    (no ch′≰)  ⊥-elim
              $ ¬∃ch′
              $  where refl  (ch′∈ , p) , ch′≰)
              $ chain-∈⇒allValidChains ch′∈
    (yes ch′≤)  ch′≤

  Dec-Finalized :  {ms ch b}  FinalizedChain ms ch b 
  Dec-Finalized {ch = ch} .dec
    with ch
  ... | [] = no λ ()
  ... | _  [] = no λ ()
  ... | _  _  _
    with dec | dec | dec
  ... | yes p | yes q | yes r = yes (Finalize p q r)
  ... | no ¬p | _     | _     = no λ where (Finalize p _ _)  ¬p p
  ... | _     | no ¬q | _     = no λ where (Finalize _ q _)  ¬q q
  ... | _     | _     | no ¬r = no λ where (Finalize _ _ r)  ¬r r

We can now provide smart constructors for using proof-by-reflection without calling auto:

module _ {e : Epoch} (let L = epochLeader e) {ls : LocalState} where
  ProposeBlock? :  ch txs 
      h = ch 
      b =  h , e , txs 
      m = Propose $ signBlock L b
    {_ : auto∶ ls .phase  Ready}
    {_ : auto∶ ch longest-notarized-chain-∈ ls .db}
    {_ : auto∶ ValidChain (b  ch)}
     L  e  ls —[ just m ]→ proposeBlock ls m
  ProposeBlock? _ _ {p}{q}{r} =
    ProposeBlock (toWitness p) refl (toWitness q) (toWitness r)

  VoteBlock? :  p ch txs 
      b  =  H , e , txs 
      mᵖ = Propose $ signBlock L b
      m  = Vote    $ signBlock p b
    {m∈ : auto∶ AnyFirst (mᵖ ≡_) (ls .inbox)}
    {_ : auto∶ signBlock L b  map _∙signedBlock (ls .db)}
    {_ : auto∶ ls .phase  Ready}
    {_ : auto∶ p  L}
    {_ : auto∶ ch longest-notarized-chain-∈ ls .db}
    {_ : auto∶ ValidChain (b  ch)}
     p  e  ls —[ just m ]→ voteBlock ls (toWitness m∈) m
  VoteBlock? _ _ _ {p}{q}{r}{w}{x}{s} =
    VoteBlock (toWitness p) (toWitness q) (toWitness r) (toWitness w) (toWitness x) (toWitness s)

  RegisterVote? :  p m
     _ : m  Vote sb 
    {m∈ : auto∶ m  ls .inbox}
    {_ : auto∶ m ∙signedBlock  map _∙signedBlock (ls .db)}
     p  e  ls —[ nothing ]→ registerVote ls (toWitness m∈)
  RegisterVote? _ _  refl  {p}{q} = RegisterVote (toWitness p) (toWitness q)

  FinalizeBlock? :  p ch b 
    {_ : auto∶ ValidChain (b  ch)}
    {_ : auto∶ FinalizedChain (ls .db) ch b}
     p  e  ls —[ nothing ]→ finalize ch ls
  FinalizeBlock? _ _ _ {p}{q} = FinalizeBlock _ _ (toWitness p) (toWitness q)

module _ {s : GlobalState} where

  module _ p  _ : Honest p  (let ls = s  p; e = s .e-now)
    Propose? :  ch txs  let open ∣ProposeBlock∣ p s ch txs in
        let ls′ = proposeBlock ls M in
         _ : p  L 
        {_ : auto∶ ls .phase  Ready }
        {_ : auto∶ ch longest-notarized-chain-∈ ls .db }
        {_ : auto∶ ValidChain (B  ch) }
         s —→ broadcast L (just M) (updateLocal p ls′ s)
    Propose? _ _  refl  {p}{q}{r} =
      LocalStep $ ProposeBlock? _ _ {p}{q}{r}

    Vote? :  ch txs  let open ∣VoteBlock∣ p s H txs in
      {m∈ : auto∶ AnyFirst (Mᵖ ≡_) (ls .inbox)}
      {_ : auto∶ signBlock L B  map _∙signedBlock (ls .db)}
      {_ : auto∶ ls .phase  Ready}
      {_ : auto∶ p  L}
      {_ : auto∶ ch longest-notarized-chain-∈ ls .db}
      {_ : auto∶ ValidChain (B  ch)}
       s —→ broadcast p (just M) _
    Vote? _ _ {p}{q}{w}{x}{y}{z} =
      LocalStep $ VoteBlock? _ _ _ {p}{q}{w}{x}{y}{z}

    Register? :  m 
       _ : m  Vote sb 
      {m∈ : auto∶ m  ls .inbox}
      {_ : auto∶ m ∙signedBlock  map _∙signedBlock (ls .db)}
       s —→ _
    Register? _  m≡  {p}{q} =
      LocalStep $ RegisterVote? _ _  m≡  {p}{q}

    Finalize? :  ch b 
      {_ : auto∶ ValidChain (b  ch)}
      {_ : auto∶ FinalizedChain (ls .db) ch b}
       s —→ _
    Finalize? _ _ {p}{q} =
      LocalStep $ FinalizeBlock? _ _ _ {p}{q}

  module _ env {p : auto∶ env  s .networkBuffer} where
    Deliver? : s —→ _
    Deliver? = Deliver (toWitness p)

    Drop? : s —→ _
    Drop? = Drop (toWitness p)