Invariants related to
the global history.
VotesComplete : StateProperty
VotesComplete s = ∀ {p b} ⦃ _ : Honest p ⦄ →
votes ((s @ p) .db) b ⊆ˢ votes (s .history) b
votesComplete : Invariant VotesComplete
votesComplete {s} Rs {p}{b} m∈? =
let m∈ , b≡ = L.Mem.∈-filter⁻ ((b ≟_) ∘ _∙block) m∈?
in L.Mem.∈-filter⁺ ((b ≟_) ∘ _∙block) (historyComplete Rs m∈) b≡
VoteIdsComplete : StateProperty
VoteIdsComplete s = ∀ {p b} ⦃ _ : Honest p ⦄ →
voteIds ((s @ p) .db) b ⊆ˢ voteIds (s .history) b
voteIdsComplete : Invariant VoteIdsComplete
voteIdsComplete Rs p∈
with _ , m∈ , refl ← L.Mem.∈-map⁻ _∙pid p∈
= L.Mem.∈-map⁺ _∙pid $ votesComplete Rs m∈
MessageSharing : StateProperty
MessageSharing s = ∀ {p p′ b} ⦃ _ : Honest p ⦄ ⦃ _ : Honest p′ ⦄ →
p′ ∈ voteIds ((s @ p) .db) b
p′ ∈ voteIds ((s @ p′) .db) b
messageSharing : Invariant MessageSharing
messageSharing {s} Rs {p}{p′}{b} p∈ =
m , m∈? , p≡ = L.Mem.∈-map⁻ _∙pid p∈
m∈ , m≡ = L.Mem.∈-filter⁻ ((b ≟_) ∘ _∙block) {xs = (s @ p) .db} m∈?
m∈′ : m ∈ (s @ p′) .db
m∈′ = historySound Rs (historyComplete Rs m∈) p≡
QED : p′ ∈ voteIds ((s @ p′) .db) b
QED = subst (_∈ _) (sym p≡)
$ L.Mem.∈-map⁺ _∙pid
$ L.Mem.∈-filter⁺ ((b ≟_) ∘ _∙block) {xs = (s @ p′) .db} m∈′ m≡
Chain∈-Complete : StateProperty
Chain∈-Complete s = ∀ {p ch} ⦃ _ : Honest p ⦄ →
ch chain-∈ (s @ p) .db
ch chain-∈ s .history
chain∈-complete : Invariant Chain∈-Complete
chain∈-complete Rs = ⊆-ch∈ (historyComplete Rs)
NoFutureVotes≤ : StateProperty
NoFutureVotes≤ s = ∀ {p b} ⦃ _ : Honest p ⦄ →
p ∈ voteIds (s .history) b
b .epoch ≤ s .e-now
noFutureVotes≤ : Invariant NoFutureVotes≤
noFutureVotes≤ (_ , refl , (_ ∎)) ()
noFutureVotes≤ {s′} (_ , refl , (_ ⟨ s→ ∣ s ⟩←— tr))
{p}{b} p∈
with Rs ← -, refl , tr
with IH ← noFutureVotes≤ Rs {b = b} ⦃ it ⦄
with s→
... | Deliver _ = IH p∈
... | AdvanceEpoch = Nat.m≤n⇒m≤1+n $ IH p∈
... | Drop _ = IH p∈
... | LocalStep {p = p′}{mm}{ls′} ls→
open ∣LocalStep∣ p p′ s mm ls′
QED : b .epoch ≤ s′ .e-now
QED with ⟫ ls→
QED | ⟫ ProposeBlock {ch = ch} {txs = txs} _ refl _ _
with p ≟ p′
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢
= IH p∈′
p∈′ : p ∈ voteIds (s .history) b
p∈′ = voteIds-∷˘ {ms = s .history} (Eq.≢-sym p≢) p∈
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓
with b ≟ ⟨ ch ♯ , s .e-now , txs ⟩
... | yes refl = Nat.≤-refl
... | no _ = IH p∈
QED | ⟫ VoteBlock {H = H} {txs = txs} M∈ _ _ _ _ _
with p ≟ p′
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢
= IH p∈′
p∈′ : p ∈ voteIds (s .history) b
p∈′ = voteIds-∷˘ {ms = s .history} (Eq.≢-sym p≢) p∈
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓
with b ≟ ⟨ H , s .e-now , txs ⟩
... | yes refl = Nat.≤-refl
... | no _ = IH p∈
QED | ⟫ RegisterVote _ _ = IH p∈
QED | ⟫ FinalizeBlock _ _ _ _ = IH p∈
... | DishonestLocalStep {p = p′}{m} ¬hp′ h⇒m∈
QED : b .epoch ≤ s′ .e-now
QED with m ∙block ≟ b
... | no b≢
= IH $ voteIds-∷˘′ b≢ p∈
... | yes refl
with m ∙pid ≟ p
... | no p≢
= IH $ voteIds-∷˘ {ms = s .history} p≢ p∈
... | yes refl
= IH $ voteIds-accept∈ (h⇒m∈ it) refl refl
NoFutureVotes≢ : StateProperty
NoFutureVotes≢ s = ∀ {p b} ⦃ _ : Honest p ⦄ →
∙ p ∈ voteIds (s .history) b
∙ (s @ p) .phase ≡ Ready
b .epoch ≢ s .e-now
noFutureVotes≢ : Invariant NoFutureVotes≢
noFutureVotes≢ (_ , refl , (_ ∎)) ()
noFutureVotes≢ {s′} (_ , refl , (_ ⟨ s→ ∣ s ⟩←— tr))
{p}{b} p∈ ph≡
with Rs ← -, refl , tr
with IH ← noFutureVotes≢ Rs {b = b} ⦃ it ⦄
with s→
... | Deliver {env = [ p′ ∣ m′ ⟩} env∈
= IH p∈ $ subst (_≡ _) @ph≡ ph≡
open ∣Deliver∣ p s env∈
... | AdvanceEpoch
= Nat.<⇒≢ $ Nat.s≤s QED
QED : b .epoch ≤ s .e-now
QED = noFutureVotes≤ Rs p∈
... | Drop _ = IH p∈ ph≡
... | LocalStep {p = p′}{mm}{ls′} ls→
open ∣LocalStep∣ p p′ s mm ls′
QED : b .epoch ≢ s′ .e-now
QED with ⟫ ls→
QED | ⟫ ProposeBlock {ch = ch} {txs = txs} ph≡′ refl _ _
with p ≟ p′
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓
= ⊥-elim (case ph≡ of λ ())
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢
= IH p∈′ ph≡
p∈′ : p ∈ voteIds (s .history) b
p∈′ = voteIds-∷˘ {ms = s .history} (Eq.≢-sym p≢) p∈
QED | ⟫ VoteBlock {H = H} {txs = txs} M∈ _ _ _ _ _
with p ≟ p′
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓
= ⊥-elim (case ph≡ of λ ())
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢
= IH p∈′ ph≡
p∈′ : p ∈ voteIds (s .history) b
p∈′ = voteIds-∷˘ {ms = s .history} (Eq.≢-sym p≢) p∈
QED | ⟫ RegisterVote m∈ _
= IH p∈ ph≡′
@ph≡ : (s′ @ p) .phase ≡ (s @ p) .phase
@ph≡ with p ≟ p′
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢ = refl
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓ = refl
ph≡′ : (s @ p) .phase ≡ Ready
ph≡′ = subst (_≡ _) @ph≡ ph≡
QED | ⟫ FinalizeBlock ch _ _ _
= IH p∈ ph≡′
@ph≡ : (s′ @ p) .phase ≡ (s @ p) .phase
@ph≡ with p ≟ p′
... | no p≢ rewrite lookup✖ p≢ = refl
... | yes refl rewrite lookup✓ = refl
ph≡′ : (s @ p) .phase ≡ Ready
ph≡′ = subst (_≡ _) @ph≡ ph≡
... | DishonestLocalStep {p = p′}{m} ¬hp′ h⇒m∈
QED : b .epoch ≢ s′ .e-now
QED with m ∙block ≟ b
... | no b≢
= IH (voteIds-∷˘′ b≢ p∈) ph≡
... | yes refl
with m ∙pid ≟ p
... | no p≢
= IH (voteIds-∷˘ {ms = s .history} p≢ p∈) ph≡
... | yes refl
= IH (voteIds-accept∈ (h⇒m∈ it) refl refl) ph≡
NoFutureVotes< : StateProperty
NoFutureVotes< s = ∀ {p b} ⦃ _ : Honest p ⦄ →
∙ p ∈ voteIds (s .history) b
∙ (s @ p) .phase ≡ Ready
b .epoch < s .e-now
noFutureVotes< : Invariant NoFutureVotes<
noFutureVotes< Rs p∈ ph≡ =
Nat.≤∧≢⇒< (noFutureVotes≤ Rs p∈) (noFutureVotes≢ Rs p∈ ph≡)
NoFutureOwnVotes : StateProperty
NoFutureOwnVotes s = ∀ {p m} ⦃ _ : Honest p ⦄ →
∙ (m ∙block) .epoch ≡ s .e-now
∙ (s @ p) .phase ≡ Ready
∙ p ≡ m ∙pid
m ∉ (s @ p) .db
noFutureOwnVotes : Invariant NoFutureOwnVotes
noFutureOwnVotes (_ , refl , (_ ∎)) {p} bₑ≡e-now ready refl
rewrite let open ∣Base∣ p in lookup✓
= L.Any.¬Any[]
noFutureOwnVotes Rs@(_ , refl , (s ⟨ _ ⟩←— _))
{p} {m} bₑ≡enow ready refl m∈db
= Nat.<⇒≢ bₑ<enow bₑ≡enow
B = m ∙block
m∈ : m ∈ s .history
m∈ = historyComplete Rs m∈db
p∈ : p ∈ voteIds (s .history) B
p∈ = voteIds-accept∈ m∈ refl refl
bₑ<enow : B .epoch < s .e-now
bₑ<enow = noFutureVotes< Rs {p} {B} p∈ ready