Tooling for offline transaction creation
Building stake pool registration certificate
Builds a stake pool registration certificate.
jcli certificate new stake-pool-registration \
--vrf-key <vrf-public-key> \
--kes-key <kes-public-key> \
--start-validity <seconds-since-start> \
--management-threshold <THRESHOLD> \
--owner <owner-public-key> \
[--operator <operator-public-key>] \
--operator <operator-public-key>
- optional, public key of the operator(s) of the pool.output-file
- optional, write the output to the given file or print it to the standard output if not defined
Retiring a stake pool
It is possible to retire a stake pool from the blockchain. By doing so the stake delegated to the stake pool will become dangling and will need to be re-delegated.
Remember though that the action won’t be applied until the next following epoch. I.e. the certificate will take a whole epoch before being applied, this should leave time for stakers to redistribute their stake to other pools before having their stake becoming dangling.
It might be valuable for a stake pool operator to keep the stake pool running until the stake pool retirement certificate is fully applied in order to not miss any potential rewards.
jcli certificate new stake-pool-retirement \
--pool-id <STAKE_POOL_ID> \
--retirement-time <seconds-since-start> \
- optional, write the output to the given file or print it to the standard output if not defined.--retirement-time
- is the number of seconds since the start in order to make the stake pool retire.0
means as soon as possible.--pool-id
- hex-encoded stake pool ID. Can be retrieved usingjcli certificate get-stake-pool-id
command. See here for more details.
Building stake pool delegation certificate
Builds a stake pool delegation certificate.
jcli certificate new stake-delegation <STAKE_KEY> <STAKE_POOL_IDS> [--output <output-file>]
-o, --output <output-file>
- optional, write the output to the given file or print it to the standard output if not defined<STAKE_KEY>
- the public key used in the stake key registration<STAKE_POOL_IDS>...
- hex-encoded stake pool IDs and their numeric weights in format “pool_id:weight”. If weight is not provided, it defaults to 1.
Building update proposal certificate
Builds an update proposal certificate.
jcli certificate new update-proposal \
- <PROPOSER_ID> - the proposer ID, public key of the one who will sign this certificate
- <CONFIG_FILE> - optional, the file path to the config file defining the config param changes. If omitted it will be read from the standard input.
- optional, write the output to the given file or print it to the standard output if not defined
For example your config file may look like:
# The block0-date defines the date the blockchain starts
# expected value in seconds since UNIX_EPOCH
# By default the value will be the current date and time. Or you can
# add a specific time by entering the number of seconds since UNIX
# Epoch
- Block0Date: 17
# This is the type of discrimination of the blockchain
# if this blockchain is meant for production then
# use 'production' otherwise use 'test'.
- Discrimination: test
# The initial consensus version:
# * BFT consensus: bft
# * Genesis Praos consensus: genesis
- ConsensusVersion: bft
# Number of slots in each epoch.
- SlotsPerEpoch: 42
# The slot duration, in seconds, is the time between the creation
# of 2 blocks
- SlotDuration: 79
# Epoch stability depth
- EpochStabilityDepth: 12
# Genesis praos active slot coefficient
# Determines minimum stake required to try becoming slot leader, must be in range (0,1]
- ConsensusGenesisPraosActiveSlotsCoeff: "0.004"
# This is the size, in bytes, of all the contents of the block (excluding the
# block header).
- BlockContentMaxSize: 96
# Add a new bft leader
- AddBftLeader: ed25519_pk1g53asm6l4gcwk2pm5ylr092umaur5yes47rqv7ng5yl525x8g8mq5nk7x7
# Remove a bft leader
- RemoveBftLeader: ed25519_pk1a3sjcg6gt4d05k5u6uqyzmsap8cjw37ul9cgztz8m697lvkz26uqg49nm3
# The fee calculations settings
# total fees: constant + (num_inputs + num_outputs) * coefficient [+ certificate]
- LinearFee:
# this is the minimum value to pay for every transaction
constant: 57
# the additional fee to pay for every inputs and outputs
coefficient: 14
# the additional fee to pay if the transaction embeds a certificate
certificate: 95
# (optional) fees for different types of certificates, to override the one
# given in `certificate` just above
# here: all certificate fees are set to `4` except for pool registration
# and stake delegation which are respectively `5` and `2`.
# (optional) if not specified, the pool registration certificate fee will be
# the one set by linear_fees.certificate
certificate_pool_registration: 5
# (optional) if not specified, the delegation certificate fee will be
# the one set by linear_fees.certificate
certificate_stake_delegation: 2
# (optional) if not specified, the owner delegation certificate fee will be
# the one set by linear_fees.certificate. Uncomment to set the owner stake
# delegation to `1` instead of default `4`:
certificate_owner_stake_delegation: 1
# Proposal expiration in epochs
- ProposalExpiration: 68
# The speed to update the KES Key in seconds
- KesUpdateSpeed: 120
# Increase the treasury amount
- TreasuryAdd: 10000
# Set the total reward supply available for monetary creation
- RewardPot: 100000000000000
# Set the treasury parameters, this is the tax type, just as in stake pool
# registration certificate parameters.
# When distributing the rewards, the treasury will be first serve as per
# the incentive specification document
- TreasuryParams:
# the fix value the treasury will take from the total reward pot of the epoch
fixed: 1000
# the extra percentage the the treasury will take from the reward pot of the epoch
ratio: "1/10"
# it is possible to add a max bound to the total value the treasury takes
# at each reward distribution. For example, one could cap the treasury tax
# to 10000. Uncomment the following line to apply a max limit:
max_limit: 10000
# set the reward supply consumption. These parameters will define how the
# total_reward_supply is consumed for the stake pool reward
# There's fundamentally many potential choices for how rewards are contributed back, and here's two potential valid examples:
# Linear formula: constant - ratio * (#epoch after epoch_start / epoch_rate)
# Halving formula: constant * ratio ^ (#epoch after epoch_start / epoch_rate)
- RewardParams:
halving: # or use "linear" for the linear formula
# In the linear formula, it represents the starting point of the contribution
# at #epoch=0, whereas in halving formula is used as starting constant for
# the calculation.
constant: 2
# In the halving formula, an effective value between 0.0 to 1.0 indicates a
# reducing contribution, whereas above 1.0 it indicate an acceleration of contribution.
# However in linear formula the meaning is just a scaling factor for the epoch zone
# (current_epoch - start_epoch / epoch_rate). Further requirement is that this ratio
# is expressed in fractional form (e.g. 1/2), which allow calculation in integer form.
ratio: 3/68
# indicates when this contribution start. note that if the epoch is not
# the same or after the epoch_start, the overall contribution is zero.
epoch_start: 89
# the rate at which the contribution is tweaked related to epoch.
epoch_rate: 20
# Fees for different types of certificates, to override the one
# given in `certificate` just above.
- PerCertificateFees:
# (optional) if not specified, the pool registration certificate fee will be
# the one set by linear_fees.certificate
certificate_pool_registration: 5
# (optional) if not specified, the delegation certificate fee will be
# the one set by linear_fees.certificate
certificate_stake_delegation: 2
# (optional) if not specified, the owner delegation certificate fee will be
# the one set by linear_fees.certificate. Uncomment to set the owner stake
# delegation to `1` instead of default `4`:
certificate_owner_stake_delegation: 1
# Set where to send the fees generated by transactions activity.
# It is possible to send all the generated fees to the "treasury"
- FeesInTreasury: rewards
- RewardLimitNone
# Limit the epoch total reward drawing limit to a portion of the total
# active stake of the system.
# for example, if set to 10%, the reward drawn will be bounded by the
# 10% of the total active stake.
- RewardLimitByAbsoluteStake: 22/72
# Settings to incentivize the numbers of stake pool to be registered
# on the blockchain.
# These settings does not prevent more stake pool to be added. For example
# if there is already 1000 stake pools, someone can still register a new
# stake pool and affect the rewards of everyone else too.
# if the threshold is reached, the pool doesn't really have incentive to
# create more blocks than 1 / set-value-of-pools % of stake.
- PoolRewardParticipationCapping:
min: 8
max: 52
# Add a new committee id
- AddCommitteeId: 8103973beaa56f4e9440004ee8e8f8359ea18499d4199c1b018c072e7f503ea0
# Remove a committee id
- RemoveCommitteeId: 6375dcdd714e69c197e99c32486ec28f166a50da7a1e3694807cd8a76f1c8175
- PerVoteCertificateFees:
certificate_vote_plan: 52
certificate_vote_cast: 57
# The transaction max expiry epochs
- TransactionMaxExpiryEpochs: 91
Building vote cast certificate
Builds a vote cast certificate.
Public vote cast
jcli certificate new update-cast public \
--choice <choice> \
--proposal-index <proposal-index> \
--vote-plan-id <vote-plan-id> \
--output <output-file>
- <choice> - the number of choice within the proposal you vote for
- <proposal-index> - the number of proposal in the vote plan you vote for
- <vote-plan-id> - the vote plan identified on the blockchain
- <output-file> - optional write the output to the given file or print it to the standard output if not defined
Private vote cast
jcli certificate new update-cast private \
--choice <choice> \
--options-size <options> \
--proposal-index <proposal-index> \
--vote-plan-id <vote-plan-id> \
--key-path <secret-key>
--output <output-file>
- <choice> - the number of choice within the proposal you vote for
- <options> - size of voting options
- <proposal-index> - the number of proposal in the vote plan you vote for
- <vote-plan-id> - the vote plan identified on the blockchain
- <secret-key> - optional key to encrypt the vote with, if not provided read secret key from the stdit
- <output-file> - optional write the output to the given file or print it to the standard output if not defined