jormungandr Prometheus Metrics

jormungadr uses Prometheus metrics to gather information about the node at runtime.

Fragment Mempool Process

As the node receives fragments, they are inserted into the fragment mempool, and propagated into the peer network.


>> tx_recv_cnt: IntCounter,

Total number of tx inserted and propagated by the mempool at each loop in the process.


>> tx_rejected_cnt: IntCounter,

Total number of tx rejected by the mempool at each loop in the process.


>> mempool_tx_count: UIntGauge,

Total number of tx in the mempool for a given block


>> mempool_usage_ratio: Gauge,

Mempool usage ratio for a given block

Topology Process

As the node connects to peers, the network topology allows for gossip and p2p communication. Nodes can join or leave the network.


>> peer_connected_cnt: UIntGauge,

The total number of connected peers.


>> peer_quarantined_cnt: UIntGauge,

The total number of quarantined peers.


>> peer_available_cnt: UIntGauge,

The total number of available peers.


>> peer_total_cnt: UIntGauge,

The total number of peers.

Blockchain Process

Each node receives blocks streamed from the network which are processed in order to create a new block tip.


>> block_recv_cnt: IntCounter,

This is the total number of blocks streamed from the network that will be processed at each loop in the process.

Blockchain Tip-Block Process

As the node sets the tip-block, this happens when the node is started and during the block minting process, these metrics are updated.


>> votes_casted_cnt: IntCounter,

The total number accepted VoteCast fragments. Metric is incremented by the total number of valid VoteCast fragments in the block tip.


>> // Total number of tx for a given block
>> block_tx_count: IntCounter,

The total number of valid transaction fragments in the block tip.

lastBlockInputTime <— misnomer

>> block_input_sum: UIntGauge,

The total sum of transaction input values in the block tip. The tx.total_input() is added for every fragment.


>> block_fee_sum: UIntGauge,

The total sum of transaction output values (fees) in the block tip. The tx.total_output() is added for every fragment.


>> block_content_size: UIntGauge,

The total size in bytes of the sum of the transaction content in the block tip.


>> block_epoch: UIntGauge,

The epoch of the block date defined in the block tip header.


>> block_slot: UIntGauge,

The slot of the block date defined in the block tip header.


>> block_chain_length: UIntGauge,

Length of the blockchain.


>> block_time: UIntGauge,

Timestamp in seconds of the block date.

Unused metrics


>> slot_start_time: UIntGauge,

This metric is never updated.

Unclear metrics


>> block_hash: Vec<UIntGauge>,

A vector of gauges that does something to with the block hash. Metric is updated when http_response is called.