genesis file

The genesis file is the file that allows you to create a new blockchain from block 0. It lays out the different parameters of your blockchain: the initial utxo, the start time, the slot duration time, etc…

Example of a BFT genesis file with an initial address UTxO and an account UTxO. More info regarding starting a BFT blockchain here and regarding addresses there. You could also find information regarding the jcli genesis tooling.

You can generate a documented pre-generated genesis file:

jcli genesis init

For example your genesis file may look like:

# The Blockchain Configuration defines the settings of the blockchain.

  # The block0-date defines the date the blockchain starts
  # expected value in seconds since UNIX_EPOCH
  # By default the value will be the current date and time. Or you can
  # add a specific time by entering the number of seconds since UNIX
  # Epoch
  block0_date: {default_block0_date}

  # This is the type of discrimination of the blockchain
  # if this blockchain is meant for production then
  # use 'production' instead.
  # otherwise leave as this
  discrimination: {discrimination}

  # The initial consensus version:
  # * BFT consensus: bft
  # * Genesis Praos consensus: genesis
  block0_consensus: bft

  # Number of slots in each epoch.
  # default value is {default_slots_per_epoch}
  slots_per_epoch: {default_slots_per_epoch}

  # The slot duration, in seconds, is the time between the creation
  # of 2 blocks
  # default value is {default_slot_duration}
  slot_duration: {default_slot_duration}

  # set the block content max size
  # This is the size, in bytes, of all the contents of the block (excluding the
  # block header).
  # default value is {default_block_content_max_size}
  block_content_max_size: {default_block_content_max_size}

  # A list of Ed25519 PublicKey that represents the
  # BFT leaders encoded as bech32. The order in the list matters.
    - {leader_1}
    - {leader_2}

  # Epoch stability depth
  # Optional: default value {default_epoch_stability_depth}
  epoch_stability_depth: {default_epoch_stability_depth}

  # Genesis praos active slot coefficient
  # Determines minimum stake required to try becoming slot leader, must be in range (0,1]
  # default value: {default_consensus_genesis_praos_active_slot_coeff}
  consensus_genesis_praos_active_slot_coeff: {default_consensus_genesis_praos_active_slot_coeff}

  # The fee calculations settings
  # total fees: constant + (num_inputs + num_outputs) * coefficient [+ certificate]
    # this is the minimum value to pay for every transaction
    constant: 2
    # the additional fee to pay for every inputs and outputs
    coefficient: 1
    # the additional fee to pay if the transaction embeds a certificate
    certificate: 4
    # (optional) fees for different types of certificates, to override the one
    # given in `certificate` just above
    # here: all certificate fees are set to `4` except for pool registration
    # and stake delegation which are respectively `5` and `2`.
      # (optional) if not specified, the pool registration certificate fee will be
      # the one set by linear_fees.certificate
      certificate_pool_registration: 5
      # (optional) if not specified, the delegation certificate fee will be
      # the one set by linear_fees.certificate
      certificate_stake_delegation: 2
      # (optional) if not specified, the owner delegation certificate fee will be
      # the one set by linear_fees.certificate. Uncomment to set the owner stake
      # delegation to `1` instead of default `4`:
      # certificate_owner_stake_delegation: 1

  # Proposal expiration in epochs
  # default value: {default_proposal_expiration}
  proposal_expiration: {default_proposal_expiration}

  # The speed to update the KES Key in seconds
  # default value: {default_kes_update_speed}
  kes_update_speed: {default_kes_update_speed}

  # Set where to send the fees generated by transactions activity.
  # by default it is send to the "rewards" pot of the epoch which is then
  # distributed to the different stake pools who created blocks that given
  # epoch.
  # It is possible to send all the generated fees to the "treasury".
  # Optional, default is "rewards"
  # fees_go_to: "rewards"

  # initial value the treasury will start with, if not set the treasury
  # starts at 0
  treasury: 1000000000000

  # set the treasury parameters, this is the tax type, just as in stake pool
  # registration certificate parameters.
  # When distributing the rewards, the treasury will be first serve as per
  # the incentive specification document
  # if not set, the treasury will not grow
    # the fix value the treasury will take from the total reward pot of the epoch
    fixed: 1000
    # the extra percentage the the treasury will take from the reward pot of the epoch
    ratio: "1/10"
    # It is possible to add a max bound to the total value the treasury takes
    # at each reward distribution. For example, one could cap the treasury tax
    # to 10000. Uncomment the following line to apply a max limit:
    # max_limit: 10000

  # Set the total reward supply available for monetary creation
  # if not set there is no monetary creation
  # once emptied, there is no more monetary creation
  total_reward_supply: 100000000000000

  # set the reward supply consumption. These parameters will define how the
  # total_reward_supply is consumed for the stake pool reward
  # There's fundamentally many potential choices for how rewards are contributed back, and here's two potential valid examples:
  # Linear formula: constant - ratio * (#epoch after epoch_start / epoch_rate)
  # Halving formula: constant * ratio ^ (#epoch after epoch_start / epoch_rate)
    halving: # or use "linear" for the linear formula
      # In the linear formula, it represents the starting point of the contribution
      # at #epoch=0, whereas in halving formula is used as starting constant for
      # the calculation.
      constant: 100

      # In the halving formula, an effective value between 0.0 to 1.0 indicates a
      # reducing contribution, whereas above 1.0 it indicate an acceleration of contribution.
      # However in linear formula the meaning is just a scaling factor for the epoch zone
      # (current_epoch - start_epoch / epoch_rate). Further requirement is that this ratio
      # is expressed in fractional form (e.g. 1/2), which allow calculation in integer form.
      ratio: "13/19"

      # indicates when this contribution start. note that if the epoch is not
      # the same or after the epoch_start, the overall contribution is zero.
      epoch_start: 1

      # the rate at which the contribution is tweaked related to epoch.
      epoch_rate: 3

  # set some reward constraints and limits
  # this value is optional, the default is no constraints at all. The settings
  # are commented below:
  #  # limit the epoch total reward drawing limit to a portion of the total
  #  # active stake of the system.
  #  #
  #  # for example, if set to 10%, the reward drawn will be bounded by the
  #  # 10% of the total active stake.
  #  #
  #  # this value is optional, the default is no reward drawing limit
  #  reward_drawing_limit_max: "10/100"
  #  # settings to incentivize the numbers of stake pool to be registered
  #  # on the blockchain.
  #  #
  #  # These settings does not prevent more stake pool to be added. For example
  #  # if there is already 1000 stake pools, someone can still register a new
  #  # stake pool and affect the rewards of everyone else too.
  #  #
  #  # if the threshold is reached, the pool doesn't really have incentive to
  #  # create more blocks than 1 / set-value-of-pools % of stake.
  #  #
  #  # this value is optional, the default is no pool participation capping
  #  pool_participation_capping:
  #    min: 300
  #    max: 1000

  # list of the committee members, they will be used to guarantee the initial
  # valid operation of the vote as well as privacy.
    - "7ef044ba437057d6d944ace679b7f811335639a689064cd969dffc8b55a7cc19"
    - "f5285eeead8b5885a1420800de14b0d1960db1a990a6c2f7b517125bedc000db"

# Initial state of the ledger. Each item is applied in order of this list
  # Initial deposits present in the blockchain
  - fund:
      # UTxO addresses or account
      - address: {initial_funds_address_1}
        value: 10000
      - address: {initial_funds_address_2}
        value: 10000
  # Initial token distribution
  - token:
      token_id: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.7e5d6abc
        - address: {initial_funds_address_1}
          value: 150
        - address: {initial_funds_address_2}
          value: 255
  - token:
      token_id: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.6c1e8abc
        - address: {initial_funds_address_1}
          value: 22
        - address: {initial_funds_address_2}
          value: 66

  # Initial certificates
  #- cert: ..

  # Initial deposits present in the blockchain
  #- legacy_fund:
  #    # Legacy Cardano address
  #    - address: 48mDfYyQn21iyEPzCfkATEHTwZBcZJqXhRJezmswfvc6Ne89u1axXsiazmgd7SwT8VbafbVnCvyXhBSMhSkPiCezMkqHC4dmxRahRC86SknFu6JF6hwSg8
  #      value: 123

There are multiple parts in the genesis file:

  • blockchain_configuration: this is a list of configuration parameters of the blockchain, some of which can be changed later via the update protocol;
  • initial: list of steps to create initial state of ledger

blockchain_configuration options

block0_datenumberthe official start time of the blockchain, in seconds since UNIX EPOCH
discriminationstringproduction or test
slot_durationnumberthe number of seconds between the creation of 2 blocks
epoch_stability_depthnumberallowed size of a fork (in number of block)
consensus_leader_idsarraythe list of the BFT leader at the beginning of the blockchain
block_content_max_sizenumberthe maximum size of the block content (excluding the block header), in bytes.
linear_feesobjectlinear fee settings, set the fee for transaction and certificate publishing
consensus_genesis_praos_active_slot_coeffnumbergenesis praos active slot coefficient. Determines minimum stake required to try becoming slot leader, must be in range (0,1]
kes_update_speednumberthe speed to update the KES Key in seconds
slots_per_epochnumbernumber of slots in each epoch

for more information about the BFT leaders in the genesis file, see Starting a BFT Blockchain

initial options

Each entry can be one of 3 variants:

fundsequenceinitial deposits present in the blockchain (up to 255 outputs per entry)
certstringinitial certificate
legacy_fundsequencesame as fund, but with legacy Cardano address format


  - fund:
      - address: <address>
        value: 10000
      - address: <address2>
        value: 20000
      - address: <address3>
        value: 30000
  - cert: <certificate>
  - legacy_fund:
      - address: <legacy address>
        value: 123
  - fund:
      - address: <another address>
        value: 1001

fund and legacy_fund format

addressstringcan be a single address or an account address
valuenumberassigned value

legacy_fund differs only in address format, which is legacy Cardano