
Vit servicing station tests project is a container project vit-servicing-station tests. Tests are validating server correctness, stability and interaction with database/rest api. Also there are non-functional tests which verify node durability and reliability

Quick start


In order to run test vit-servicing-station-server need to be installed or prebuilt.

Start tests

In order to build vit-servicing-station in main project folder run:

cd vit-servicing-station-tests
cargo test

Tests categories

Test are categories based on application/layer and property under test (functional or non-functional: load, perf etc.)

How to run all functional tests

cd vit-servicing-station-tests
cargo test

How to run performance tests

cd vit-servicing-station-tests
cargo test --features non-functional

How to run endurance tests

cd vit-servicing-station-tests
cargo test --features soak,non-functional


Functional tests are run on each PR. Performance and testnet integration tests are run nightly