Automatic deployment of the voting blockchain

Originally the voting blockchain was designed to be manually started and required a full block 0 and a configuration file to be created and distributed to nodes before it could commence.

This made automated deployment difficult and introduces necessary manual steps into the process of running the voting system.

To resolve this, the voting system is modified to allow the blockchain and parts of the configuration to be automatically created based solely on the parameters of the next election.


There are two sources of data required to start the blockchain. Block 0 and the config YAML file. To ease deployment, Block 0 will be created dynamically based on data held in our distributed object storage (which is currently a Postgresql Database.) As are certain parameters currently required for the configuration file.

The blockchain would still need to retain the current method for starting, in addition to the new “auto” mode.

In essence, automatic configuration entails:

  1. Minimizing manual config items to only those that unavoidably need to be defined.
  2. Generating configuration for other items where possible from known local state, and only having configuration items for these to override the defaults.
  3. Sharing data in a central repository of local configuration items that other nodes would require.
  4. Reading other data directly from their source of truth (Such as the schedule of the election, voting power snapshot data and proposals/vote plan information.)


The node is configured by a YAML file which contains the following data. In the code, every config parameter should be accompanied by detailed a detailed documentation comment.

  • secret_file: - Optional Path (to what, used for what?)
  • storage: - Optional Path (to what, used for what?)
  • log: - Optional Logger settings.
    • level: - Optional Logger level, can be "Trace", "Debug", "Info". "Warn" and "Error". Should default to "Info" if not set.
    • format: - Format of the logs, can be "plain" and "json". Should default to "json" if not set.
    • output: - Optional destination of the log output. Options need to be fully documented. Should default to stdout if not defined.
    • trace_collector_endpoint: - Optional Options need to be fully documented. Should default to None (ie, no external logging) if not defined.
  • mempool: Optional configuration of the mempool. Should default as specified here.
    • pool_max_entries: - Optional - maximum number of entries in the mempool. Should default to 1,000,000 if not set.
    • log_max_entries: - Optional - maximum number of entries in the fragment logs. Should default to ???? if not set.
    • persistent_log: - Optional - path to the persistent log of all incoming fragments. A decision needs to be made if persistent logging is normally desired. If it is, it should default to a location in /var. If not, it should default to None and be disabled.
  • leadership: - Optional - the number of entries allowed in the leadership logs.
    • logs_capacity: - Optional - Should default to ???? if not set.
  • rest: - Optional - Enables REST API.
    • listen: - Optional - Address to listen to rest api requests on. Should default to “”. This default is open to suggestions
    • tls: - Optional - Define inbuilt tls support for the listening socket. If not specified, TLS is disabled. The default is TLS Disabled.
      • cert_file: - Path to server X.509 certificate chain file, must be PEM-encoded and contain at least 1 item
      • priv_key_file: - Path to server private key file, must be PKCS8 with single PEM-encoded, unencrypted key
    • cors: - Optional - Defines CORS settings. Default should be as shown in the individual entries.
      • allowed_origins - Origin domains we accept connections from. Defaults to “*”.
      • max_ages_secs - How long in seconds to cache CORS responses. Defaults to 60.
      • allowed_headers - A list of allowed headers in the preflight check. If the provided list is empty, all preflight requests with a request header will be rejected. Default should be a value which allows cors to work without requiring extra config under normal circumstances.
      • allowed_methods - A list of allowed methods in the preflight check. If the provided list is empty, all preflight requests will be rejected. Default should be a value which allows cors to work without requiring extra config under normal circumstances.


  * `jrpc` - Optional. No idea what this does yet???  TODO: Document it and defaults.
  * `p2p` - Peer to Peer config.

    pub p2p: P2pConfig,

    pub http_fetch_block0_service: Vec<String>,

    #[cfg(feature = "prometheus-metrics")]
    pub prometheus: Option<Prometheus>,

    /// the time interval with no blockchain updates after which alerts are thrown
    pub no_blockchain_updates_warning_interval: Option<Duration>,

    pub bootstrap_from_trusted_peers: bool,

    pub skip_bootstrap: bool,

    pub block_hard_deadline: Option<u32>,