Mock Farm

Mock farm is a simple extension for mock service. It allows to run more that one mock at once and give more control to user in term of starting and stopping particular mock instance.


This section describe configuration file which can be passed as argument for snapshot service:

  • port: port on which registration-service will be exposed,
  • working_directory: path to folder which config files will be dumped,
  • mocks-port-range: range of ports assigned for usage,
  • protocol: decide whether mock farm should be exposed as http or https,
  • local: should service be exposed on all network interfaces or only,
  • token: token limiting access to environment. Must be provided in header API-Token for each request

Note: it is recommended to run command from vit-testing/vitup folder (then no explicit paths are required to be provided). Configuration file example is available under vit-testing/vitup/example/mock-farm/config.yaml


vitup start mock-farm --config example\mock\mock-farm\config.yaml
